My Profile

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering


I am a postdoctoral researcher with a PhD in mechanical engineering. My research specialization is in the field of cell mechanics which encompasses interdisciplinary expertise in soft physics, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), computer vision, machine learning, fluorescence and confocal microscopy, cell and molecular biology. I have experience working with both in-vitro (Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells, HUVECs) and in-vivo (Xenopus tropicalis) model systems.


PhD University of Central Florida, Mechanical Engineering

August 2018 – August 2021     GPA – 3.86

Dissertation: “Influence of ECM Composition and Intracellular Calcium on Endothelial Biomechanics and Prediction of Cellular Stresses Using Machine Learning”

Committee: Dr. Robert L. Steward Jr. (chair), Dr. Luigi Perotti, Dr. Dazhong Wu, Dr. Ellen Kang (External)

MS University of Central Florida, Mechanical Engineering

August 2015 - May 2017        GPA – 3.77

BS Anna University, Mechanical Engineering

August 2011 - May 2015        GPA – 3.74


Department of Cell Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, August 2021 to Present

Supervisor: Dr. Saurabh Kulkarni

Job Title: Research Associate

• Developed computational mathematical and machine learning models to predict flow generated by multiciliated cells

• Studied the cellular and molecular mechanisms of ciliogenesis using Xenopus model organism

Technical Skills: Immunostaining, Confocal Microscopy, Particle Image Velocimetry, Machine Learning, Microinjection, Explant preparation

Cell Mechanics Lab, University of Central Florida, Lake Nona, FL, August 2018 to 2021

Advisor: Dr. Robert L. Steward Jr.

Job Title: Research Assistant

• Experienced working in BSL-2 Laboratory setting, with primary focus on forming research hypothesis, conducting experiments, and performing data analysis to provide insights on cell mechanics during disease progression for targeted drug therapy

• Skilled in aseptic cell culturing, immunostaining, cryo-freezing, hydrogel, and micropattern fabrication techniques

• Developed MATLAB functions to detect cell, monolayer edges using image segmentation techniques for the extraction of cell morphological features including cell area, orientation, and circularity

• Built a machine learning model using MATLAB Regression Learners that successfully predicted traction and intercellular stress maps as a function of drug concentration and morphological predictors with ~83-92% accuracy

Dissertation: Influence of ECM Composition and Intracellular Calcium on Endothelial Biomechanics and Prediction of Cellular Stresses Using Machine Learning

• Built a Machine Learning model to predict both tractions and intercellular stresses as a function of pharmacological and cell morphological parameters

• Probed endothelial mechanics with different ratios of type 1 Collagen and Fibronectin

• Studied the influence of intracellular calcium levels on tractions using Fura 2am imaging

Technical Skills: Traction Force Microscopy, Monolayer Stress Microscopy, Cell Mechanics, Cell culture, MATLAB, Image processing, Machine Learning

Interventional Robotics Laboratory, University of Central Florida, 2017 to 2018

Advisor: Dr. Sang-Eun Song

Job Title: Research Student

• Designed an auto-hammer in SOLIDWORKS capable of providing right range of impact forces with a feedback to replace unscientific surgery procedures during total hip arthroplasty that can help prevent 7,000 hip revisions per year

• Modeled a pain alleviating exoskeleton in SOLIDWORKS using Ratchet & Pawl mechanism for efficient ACL rehabilitation that can potentially help 100,000 people per year

• Acquired data through DAQ assistant-LabView and plotted the measurements as graphs and performed statistical analysis: ANOVA, T-Test, and Factor Analysis

Technical Skills: Mechanical Design, Statistical and Data Analysis


Published Articles

Rao, V. G., Subramanianbalachandar, V., Magaj, M. M., Redemann, S., & Kulkarni, S. S. (2023). Mechanisms of cilia regeneration in Xenopus multiciliated epithelium in vivo. bioRxiv, 2023-06.

V. SubramanianBalachandar, M. M. Islam, and R. L. Steward, “A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Cellular Mechanical Stresses in Response to Chemical Perturbation,” Biophysical Journal, 2023/07/25/ 2023, doi:

V. A. Subramanian Balachandar and R. L. Steward Jr, “Extracellular matrix composition alters endothelial force transmission,” American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, vol. 325, no. 1, pp. C314-C323, 2023.

Subramanianbalachandar, Vignesharavind, and Robert Steward Jr. “Stiffness decouples cellular mechanosensation.” Biophysical Journal 119.2 (2020): 233. D. Ranadewa, J. Wu, V.A. Subramanianbalachandar, and R.L. Steward Jr., “Variable fluid regimes alter brain microvascular endothelial cell-cell junctions and cytoskeletal structure,” To be published in: Cytoskeleton.

Manuscripts in Progress

Subramanianbalachandar, V., & Kulkarni, S. S. (2024). “Machine learning prediction of ciliary flow in vivo”

Md. Mydul Islam, V.A Subramanianbalachandar, Krystal Hossack, and Robert Steward Jr. “Endothelial Cell Biomechanical Adaptation to Altered Connexin 43 expression Under Fluid Shear Stress.”

Todd Conor Jr., V.A Subramanianbalachandar, Cynthia Aguilar, and Robert Steward Jr. “Intestinal Organoid Planarization on Compliant Substrates for Cellular Force Quantification”


V.A. Subramanianbalachandar, and Robert Steward Jr. “Prediction of Cellular Stresses in Response to Pharmacological Perturbation using Machine Learning”. Conference: Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), October 2021

V.A Subramanianbalachandar, and Robert Steward Jr. “Extracellular Matrix Composition Alters Endothelial Cell Mechanics”. Conference: Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), October 2021


Velammal Engineering College, Chennai 2014

Automatic Pick and Place Robot for Palletizing, [Jan’ – Apr’ 2014]

• Designed a 3-DOF robotic arm using PRO-E and the fabrication of the arm was done in the machining lab using cutting and drilling machines

• Controlled the prototype using ATmega328p microcontroller with the end effector actuated by a servo motor involving ‘Bell Crank Lever Mechanism’. Used Arduino prototyping platform to control the actuators

• Established the force plots of gripper using ADAMS software to demonstrate efficient and stable functioning of arm


Internship, Hyundai Motor India Limited, [Dec’14 – Apr’15]

• Designed an Automated Pallet Unlocking System in PRO-E and fabricated the prototype in the machining shop using cutting, welding, drilling and milling machines

• Controlled the servo motors, wiper motors, switches, and motor driver using an InduinoX Board (Arduino based)

• Implementation of the prototype improved the workflow of material dispatching process in the manufacturing & assembly plant and reduced cycle time by 5.147% which was shown in the micro-motion study

• Redesigned hoist tool and jigs in transmission shop using ANSYS to help reduce tool failure by 78% and increase assembly efficiency by 1.12%

Trainee, Sundaram Motors, [Dec’13]

• Studied the mechanical parts in cars from General Motors franchise

• Gained hands-on experience in engine & gear shaft assembly, and installation of disc and drum brakes


Mechanical Design at the level of ASSOCIATE, Dassault Systèmes, July 2017

Yellow Belt in Lean Six Sigma, American Society for Quality, November 2016

Business English Certificate, University of Cambridge, October 2012


Oral Presentation: Annual Meeting October 2021 Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), October 2021

V.A. Subramanianbalachandar, and Robert Steward Jr. “Prediction of Cellular Stresses in Response to Pharmacological Perturbation using Machine Learning”. Conference: Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES),

UCF MAE Research Week Poster Presentation, April 2021

Featured as one of the top 5 Poster Presentations in the UCF MAE Research Week. Topic: “Extracellular Matrix Composition Alters Endothelial Cell Mechanics”


Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES, 2021-22)

Member of Society of automotive engineers, India (2011-15)

Volunteer, 7th international conference organized by English Language Teacher’s Association of India (2012)


Symposium Co-Organizer Coordinator of ‘Auto Quiz’ technical event for the Mechanical Engineering department symposium Deus Ex Machina 11 (2014)


Student Accessibility Services: Notetaker, Orlando, 2016-2017 Worked as a notetaker for people with disability at the University of Central Florida


Tamil: Native Language

English: Professional Proficiency (Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing)


Coding/Statistical Tools:
MATLAB: Curve Fitting, Image & Signal Processing, Classification & Regression Python: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, TensorFlow, Keras

Data Processing: Tableau, SQL

Technical: MATLAB (Particle Image Velocimetry, Soft Physics, Traction Force Microscopy), ImageJ2-Fiji (Confocal image, FLIM, and FRET data analysis), Python & MATLAB (Machine Learning, Deep Learning)

Mechanical Design and Analysis: SOLIDWORKS 2016, ANSYS